Maths in school is always a top concern. Some kids ace it, whereas as others struggle with it, but this can certainly be solved.
How do you ensure your kids go to school and prosper in mathematics?
Here are a few tips you need to consider:
1. Instil consistency in your kid
Practice makes perfect. Unlike other subjects where your kid might be taking and find it easy, mathematics certainly requires practice to be perfect. Therefore, it would help if you encouraged your kid to always be consistent in their daily mathematic routines to have an easy understanding of how to solve problems. About 20% of students in each school struggle with mathematics, which is quite a number. This can be reduced only if these kids are encouraged to love mathematics and solve problems daily, which will ensure their consistency makes them perfect.
2. Encourage the child to solve and think.
One of the most common reasons your child might not like mathematics is he/she perceives it as challenging or difficult. However, this is not the case. Mathematics is nothing but a game of numbers and fun. If you encourage them to solve problems and think while doing so, they will understand it better and have fun at it. Unlike other subjects or topics in which you need to cram a lot, mathematics only requires understanding the concept and knowing which formula to use, which is quite easy. Always cheer your kids to solve problems with only an extra effort of thinking, and for sure, they will become the best at it.
3. Be around while solving.
Children give up relatively easy once they get stuck while solving a maths problem. Therefore, you should be there quite often to remind them of a concept or trigger a memory to not get discouraged on continuing. While you are around, also elaborate on how mathematics problems apply in real-life situations for an easy understanding. This helps your child always have a memory while tackling a similar problem and once this is installed in his/her mind, solving any problem is no hassle.
4. Promote putting down the calculator
Using a calculator to solve problems gives accurate results, which is what you need. Despite their worth, Calculators should be discouraged because your kids need to grow his/her mind in solving problems without technological aid. It makes them quite capable of handling any maths problem without relying on a calculator, which is what you need for your kid.
5.. Encourage class participation
It would help if you always encouraged your kid to be bold and participate in class. Once they get rid of the fear that they cannot stand in front of the class and solve a maths problem on the board, they become unstoppable. Please give them the morale of participating in the study and let them understand its importance. They should not worry about being wrong because that's why they go to school to learn, and once they are corrected, they will never forget.
Every parent wants the best for his/her kid in school. However, your child's success should not be a obstacle for you because we will ensure they get the encouragement and help they need to be better in maths when you sign up with us. Our tuition programs is carefully planned and structure to help students build strong foundation and understands Math concepts better. Sign up with us today, and let us help your child achieve excellent results in Math.