Frequently Asked Questions
We summarised some questions that we received from parents frequently for your reference.

1 )
Why does my child finds it hard to learn Mathematics
Majority of students find it hard to learn Mathematics due to two reasons. Firstly, weak in foundation since young and did not rectify it.
Secondly, lack of understanding in the concept. Mathematics syllabus in Singapore is ‘spiral’ learning. This means that any new concept is built on pre-requisite concepts that students were taught in the lower levels. Therefore, it makes it even harder for student to learn new concepts if they do not understand the previous one.
A very simple example to illustrate this would be,
to understand x + x = 2x,
student must first understand 1 + 1 = 2
Hence, it would be better to seek help and rectify any misconception as early as possible. Math Note's tuition has a structured program to identify student's area of improvement and build a strong foundation step-by-step.

2 )
How come some of my friends' child are doing so good in Math but my child is not
Some people are naturally more incline towards Mathematics but more importantly, it can be trained since young.
The good news is, it is never too late to start catching up. The rate of the progress depends on how much time and effort the student is willing to put in. Some student might require more time than others but as long as the student has strong motivation and with good guidance, the result will be shown eventually.

3 )
Are there any ways to help if my child is not motivated and not interested in doing Math
Students feel frustrated when they are unable solve a problem, this cause them to lose motivation and give up eventually.
Our tuition centre creates a positive and encouraging environment for students in the classroom. We inculcate our students that is it though mistakes that we learn. We provide a ‘never-give-up’ ambiance to motivate our students to excel in Mathematics.
Over the years, Math Note has groomed numerous students from failing grades to obtaining distinctions for their final exams through determination, hard work and effort.

4 )
Why my child told me sometimes he/she is able solve a certain question, but sometimes he/she is not
The reason could be the fundamental Mathematical concept of the student is not strong. The student is solving the question purely from memory.
Therefore, the student can only solve similar type of question but unable to apply the required concept when they encounter questions of different type.
We understands the issue that students are facing and our tuition programs focuses on building strong Mathematical concept and improve our students’ logical-thinking skill to prepare our students for solving challenging and exam questions.

5 )
My child is working hard but the result is not showing
The student could be using the wrong approach in the revision. The student might have misconception all along but unaware of it since there is no one to correct it.
What the student need is someone who can rectify their misconceptions and give them guidance on the crucial step and concept.
The notes and materials from our tuition programmes are carefully crafted based on years of experience. The concepts required for the syllabus are presented in a clear and simplified manner to help our students to understand them easily. Our practice questions are planned so that our students have exposure to different forms of exam questions.

6 )
My child cannot understand the teacher is talking about in class
A phrase often heard from student, ‘I asked the teacher to explain to me again but I still don’t understand.’ Not every student sees things from the same angle.
If the teacher explain the first time to the student and the student doesn't understand, this means that student is not able to understand the problem from this particular approach. If the student ask again, and the teacher explain the same thing again. The result would be the same, i.e., the student still cannot understand.
In our centre, we are using our own Math Note learning model approach to teach individual student. With the correct approach, student will be able to learn better and eventually achieving excellent grades.
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