Mathematics Holiday Camp 2018
Come and do some Math with us during this holiday!
Introductory Courses at a Special Rate!
Please contact us for the dates/timing of the lessons.

Secondary One Head Start Camp
26th November to 20th December 2018
Be prepared for Secondary One. This is an introductory course for IP and O level Sec One students at a special rate.
Students will learn about the positive and negative numbers as well as algebra which are essential for the learning of other topics in the future.
What to expect:
Fun in learning Math
Better prepared for Secondary One Math
Carefully crafted notes
Detailed explanations
Practice questions

Secondary Two Algebra Mathematics Booster Camp
26th November to 20th December 2018
Algebra is very important for the Mathematics syllabus in Singapore.
The bulk of the algebraic skills required in the Mathematics syllabus are covered in Secondary Two.
Taking Additional Mathematics in Secondary Three (or not) depends on this! IP students, all the more you need this!
Students will be learning the skill of algebraic manipulation and building good foundation on this topic.
What to expect:
Good foundation on Algebra
(very important for overall Math education)
Specially crafted notes (sample notes on Instagram)
Clear explanations by ex-school teacher
Practice questions and tips

Secondary Three (or Four) Additional Mathematics Camp
26th November to 20th December 2018
This is a head start course for new students talking Additional Mathematics. Students going to Sec 4 and wish to do revision on topics covered in Sec 3 during the holidays are also welcome to join. Suitable for both IP and O level students.
What to expect:
Overview of Additional Mathematics
Good foundation on the subject
Specially crafted notes
(sample notes on Instagram)
Clear explanations by ex-school teacher
Practice questions and tips

Secondary Four Additional Mathematics Enhancement Camp
26th November to 20th December 2018
Enquire good differentiation skills is important for Additional Mathematics because about 15 to 20% of the syllabus in Additional Mathematics is related to topics on Differentiation.
What to expect:
Good Foundation on Differentiation
(One of the major topics in A math)
Specially crafted notes
(sample notes on Instagram)
Clear explanations by ex-school teacher
Past years Prelim questions and tips
The introductory fee is shown is only valid for the promotional period and new enrolments only.
183 Jalan Pelikat #01-86
The Promenade@Pelikat Singapore 537643
+65 8218 7192